A lightweight CMS

"Content Management System"

What is a Content Management System (CMS)?

A content management system (CMS) is software that enables users create, manage, and modify content on a website without the need for technical knowledge. In other words, a CMS lets you build a website without needing to write code from scratch (or even know how to code at all). 'Lightweight' means simply built: fewer files and easier to use.

This is Qwwwik CMS
Say hello also to superMicro CMS

This website is built with Qwwwik, a lightweight content management system that stores all the content in plain text files and not a database. Qwwwik is an even simpler manifestation of superMicro CMS which is already simple. I have been developing this "lightweight CMS" for my personal use since 2008, initially named 'Le CMS' then 'La Plume Micro CMS' then 'superMicro CMS', all based on the same principle of ease of use and simplicity of construction. All those systems are similar and are all built with PHP, a general-purpose scripting language especially suited to web development. WordPress and Facebook also use PHP.

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For more information see Qwwwik or superMicro CMS. They both work the same way but Qwwwik is the simplest.

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Page last modified: 07 July, 2024
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Patrick Taylor Art
