I found a piece of paper with rules I wrote on it in 1959. If a child shows a liking for rules it doesn't necessarily mean s/he is bossy or wants to interfere with the freedom of others like Planning Officers do. It could equally mean they like a sense of order in their lives. It is not rules for the sake of rules but guarding against chaos.
The planning system is important to guard against chaos (as Traffic Wardens do). It's purpose is not to satisfy the personal needs of interfering busybodies. A typical Planning Officer is nothing like a typical Traffic Warden.
- Get up at half-past seven.
- Start breakfast as soon as you get down.
- Come back from friends at half-past twelve.
- No friends before three o'clock.
- Tea time at half-past four.
- Tidy up at 6.15 pm.
- Afterwards wash unless you have been washed before.
- Lights out at eight o'clock.
- Feed Bubbles and Philip.
- Always have something on your feet.
- If come down in pygamas after bath have a dressing gown.
- Tidy up after Country Dancing.
- Do not go into other peoples bedrooms when they are not there.
- Do not go out of the garden without permishon.
- Keep your sandals at school.
- Do your homework as soon as you get home.
- After football put your things on the washing masheen.
- Do not go out with your school things.
- Do not let any friends in without asking Mummy or Daddy.
- Do not talk in bed at night.
- Eat properly at the table.
- Do not take the sand out of the sand pit.
- Do not put sand in the pool.
- Do not put water in the sand.
- Do not put sand out of the garden.
- Do not put sand all over the garden.
- Do not go on the front lawn.
- Do not go on the back lawn when it is wet.
- Do not climb on the fence.
- Do not throw the ball in other peoples gardens.
- Do not walk on the garden.
- Do not break the hut.
- Put your bikes in at night.
- Switch the light out when leaving a room.
- Do not play with the taps.
- Be polite to the rest of the family.
- Do not interupt Daddy when he is talking.
- Do not pinch things out of the larder.
- Do not get washed without you undressing and do not use the bath wrongly.
- Leave your boots in the porch.
- Do not go into Daddy['s] tool shed.
- Do not leave the table during meals.
- Do not play with DV[?] dangerous.
- These rules must be obeyed.
Spelling and grammar as first written.
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