Pete Turbefield and me

About 1965 or perhaps 1966

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Pete Turbefield and me in the drive where I lived at Stapleton Avenue (1965 or 1966)

I remember my father taking this. Me and Pete were in the drive on our way out from the house where I lived in Stapleton Avenue. My father came back from somewhere and took it on his way in the house.

Contrary to popular opinion I didn't backcomb my hair, I just rubbed it with a towel to make it 'bouffant' for the 'wide' look I wanted. Mid-60s remember, so girls liked it I think. Eventually I let it grow much longer, especially at the back.

Peter Turbefield (Pete Turbo as we called him) was the bass player in The Moonstones, a pop group we were in with Clive Leyland and 'Mo' Worsley. Pete was a good bass guitarist (and perhaps still is). He lived in Towncroft Lane behind Stapleton Avenue. From my bedroom window with binoculars at night I could watch his parents in their kitchen. Not that I did but I could have.

The first time I heard The Rolling Stones was in the small front bedroom in Pete's house. Very occasionally I go past it and always look up at that window and imagine back as it was. It can seem like yesterday.

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Page last modified: 23 August, 2024
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Patrick Taylor
